Top 10 Attributes of a Winner

A client of mine recently shared a fabulous book with me: WIN: Take your Business from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Interesting
book, with meaty information for leaders from every aspect of the
organization – sales to finance to operations to Board. There was one
list which was particularly compelling – the 10 attributes of a winner.
What do you think?


1. The ability to grasp and understand the human dimension of every situation;

2. The ability to know what questions to ask and when to ask them;

3. The ability to “see” what isn’t there, to examine things from every angle;

4. The ability to focus on the solution, not just focus on the problem;

5. The ability to drive to do more, and better than before;

6. To have a curiosity for the unknown;

7. The ability to connect with others, empathize, and create an enduring chemistry;

8. The ability to communicate their vision passionately and persuasively;

9. A willingness to try…, fail…, and to still try again;

10. Have a love of life itself, and a passion for life’s adventures.