Month: July 2012

Do they like me? Does it matter?

Years ago I wrote an article on whether it was important to be liked to be successful. My readers weighed in on all sides of the discussion. Amazingly, this topic continues to come up over dinner tables, cocktail conversations, and even executive coaching sessions. Is it really that important – or is respect really what we want? Are they mutually inclusive or exclusive?

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A Word about Mentoring

A number of my clients are working alongside mentors. Some of these mentors have been chosen by the leader. With others, the mentors have singled out the leader as a high-potential individual with whom they want to partner; and still others have been assigned a mentor through a formalized mentoring program sponsored within their organization. Often I am asked, how do I make the most of this relationship?

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What in the world is Kaizen?

Recently I had a friend tell me, unsolicited, that I needed to consider a complete makeover…, dress, make-up, and an overall updating of my appearance, given that I was growing older. After the initial hurt feelings, I began to wonder if she was not only right; it also led me to consider what other areas beyond just my appearance may need a complete overhaul as well.

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5 Basics

Recently I was taking the exams to renew my Texas Real Estate license, which I have had since early 2003. I was struck by the simplicity of one of the principles on the test which was taken from a gold standard in the field of business books. They referenced that every business transaction can be broken down into 5 basic attributes. What are they and how does this apply to me, as an individual?

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