Month: June 2012

Are you listening to me?!

Have you ever been talking to someone and felt they were not really listening to you? Perhaps their eyes glaze over, they are constantly checking their Iphone or they are frantically writing something down so they will be prepared to ‘interject’ and interrupt with their own juicy bit of insight or knowledge. To say this is frustrating, and often insulting, is an understatement. As leaders, one of the most important yet least applied skills is the art of listening. What does that ‘art’ look like?

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What does Age have to do with it?

Recently I have been coaching a few leaders and executives who feel the best years of their life have passed them by. They lament to me that they are not where they thought they would be or where they want to be at this stage in their lives. We know intellectually that nothing is stagnate, and yet often we get stuck. We get riddled in our own stories of where we think we ‘should be’ or where we think others think we ‘should be’.

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The Top 5 Tips from Successful CEOs

Recently I stumbled across an article in the New York Times which I loved as much for its brevity as I did for its wisdom. Adam Bryant, of The New York Times, recently wrote a book which analyzes the broader lessons that emerge from his interviews with more than 70 leaders. So, from his perspective and research, what does it take to lead an organization — whether it’s a sports team, a nonprofit, a start-up or a multinational corporation? What are the X factors of strong leaders?

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